Grotte de Dargilan

La Grotte Rose

Useful Information

map of the Grotte de Dargilan from E. A. Martell (1888): Les Cévennes et la région des causses. Public domain.
Location: At Dargilan. South of Florac.
Open: APR to JUN daily 10-12, 14-17:30.
JUL to AUG daily 10-18:30.
SEP daily 10-12, 14-17:30.
OCT daily 10-12, 14-16:30.
Departure of the last visit: at closing time.
Fee: Adults EUR 8, Children (12-18) EUR 5, Children (-12) EUR 4.
Groups (20+): Adults EUR 6.50, Children (12-18) EUR 4.50, Children (-12) EUR 3.50, Seniors EUR 4.50.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst cave
Light: LightIncandescent Electric Light System
Guided tours: L=1,200 m, D=45 min..
Bibliography: E. A. Martell (1893): Les Cévennes et la région des causses Français - French online
Address: Grotte de Dargilan, La Grotte Rose, F-48150 Meyrueis, Lozère. Tel: +33-466456020, Fax: +33-466456020. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1880 discovered by Sahuquet, a young shepherd.
1880 visited by PeopleE. A. Martel.
1888 explored by E. A. Martell.
1890 first development of the cave.
1891 Mr Schitz and Consorts bought the cave to organize regular tours.
1910 electric light installed.
1982 cave completely renovated by Ephrem Passet.


engraving of the Grotte de Dargilan from E. A. Martell (1888): Les Cévennes et la région des causses. Public domain.
engraving of the Grotte de Dargilan from E. A. Martell (1888): Les Cévennes et la région des causses. Public domain.

The Grotte de Dargilan was discovered by a young shepherd, who watched a fox vanishing in a crack. He tried to catch the fox and opened the crack, until it was wide enough for him. He entered a cave, but was so feared by the phantoms (stalagmites obviously) and the echo that he immediately turned around. Martell who was on holidays in this area took a look at the cave, as many others did. Soon there were many people visiting the cave and it was developed as a show cave.

The cave shows extraordinary speleothems. It is also called La Grotte Rose (The Pink Cave) as many of the speleothems show pink colours. Other brochures tell about seven coloured speleothems. All in all this kind of testimony sounds a bit strange. However, the cave is well worth a visit for its extraordinary beautiful speleothems. E.A. Martel once said of the cave "Allez donc voir Dargilan, mem si vous connaisses les plus jolies caverns d'Europe" (You must see Dargilan even if you've seen the nicest cave in Europe).

The cave is entered through the natural entrance. The entrance passage leads to a huge chamber, which is said to be one of the largest underground chambers in France. 140 m long and 50 m wide it has a height of up to 25 m. A trail around this huge chamber is the first part of the tour, the second part is a river passage. This passage has even more and more extraordinary speleothems than the first part. A flowstone waterfall covering an area of 2,000 m² is said to be the biggest one on earth, one of several we think. Finally the cave is left through a side passage on a cliff. The view over the Gorges de la Jonte is spectacular.