Scientific research specifically on the topic "show caves" is a quite young development. While caves were examined using any possible science, like geology, chemistry, climatology, mineralogy, and much more, show caves were always inaccessible to science. This was in many cases a prejudice of the scientists, although many show cave owners tend to ignore requests by scientists to do research in the show cave. Many owners do the exact opposite, reasoning that a scientific publication is a good reference and offers material for the guidebook and the tour, they actively support research. And sometimes such research gets published in newspapers, which is free advertising.
At some point in the late 20th century, some researchers started to discover show caves as a topic of research. They analyzed the mechanisms how they worked as a business and the influence of tourism on the caves. As a result, new concepts of cave management and cave conservation were developed. New technologies and materials were tested, and even businesses were founded, which provide the technology. The show caves are the winners, tourists do not want to see broken, dull, and overgrown speleothems. Any strategy to prevent such things is not only welcomed by the show cave owners, they are also willing to pay for it.