Robert Bouchal, Josef Wirth (2000):
Österreichs Faszinierende Höhlenwelt,
168 pp over 100 colour photos. HB DW
"Austria’s Fascinating Cave World" is a fine coffee table book mainly on show caves.
All the famous caves are there: Hermannshöhle, Ötcherhöhlensystem, Seegrotte, a
flooded mine with a boat trip, Dachstein - the Mammuthöhle and Riesenhöhle,
Koppenbrüllerhöhle, Eisriesenwelt, Lamprechtofen, Katerloch, I've done
‘em all and more.
It was a great pleasure to read about them again and marvel at the wonderful photos.
A book to treasure.
(review by Tony Oldham)
Nikolaus Schaffer (1987):
Alexander Von Mörk 1887-1914,
Der Entdecker der Eisriesenwelt als Maler
27 pp 19 B&W 20 colour photos. HB
This is a luxurious book, printed on art paper, to commemorate the birth of
Alexander von Mörk, the discoverer of the Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave, near
Salzburg in Austria.
Alexander von Mörk was a noted artist and many of
his paintings illustrating local caves are reproduced herein.
Complete with potted biography, this is an interesting account of a famous
Austrian caver, tragically killed in the first months of the Great War.
(review by Tony Oldham)
Heinrich Kusch, Ingrid Kusch (1998):
Höhlen der Steiermark,
Graz 1998
Franz Kraus (1894):
Höhlenkunde, Wege and Zweck der Erforschung unterirdisher Räume
Wien, 1894, 308 pp, 155 illustrations, 3 maps and 3 plans. HB
Covers the geography, geology and physical and anthropological aspects of caves.