Useful Information


Every show cave, mine or subterranea on this site has a short list of hard facts called Useful Information. With a contemporary browser it will be displayed like this text, with smaller font and darkgreen letters on white background.
In the Useful Information block you find information in a very brief form, which makes some explanation necessary.
It is very difficult to write dates, fees and hours in a well readable manner, so we always tried to find a sort of "international" way of writing it, which should be understood by anybody. But if you do not understand it, here is the explanation:

The address, that is where you can get additional information. It is the postal address, not the location of the sight!

We tried to use the respective coutries' notation for the address. But the address is always written in a single line. The original lines of the address are separated by comma, and ended with a single dot. This works rather well, but it may be a bit tricky with some countries using commas in the address.

The telephone and fax numbers are always grouped by a hyphen -, which is only to make them better readable and memorable. The hyphens are not dialed. All countries have different methods to group their telephone numbers, but the most common one ist to distinguish between country code, area code, telephone number and device number. I tried to use this notation if possible.

The telephone and fax numbers are always given with international prefix, which is written in the form +countrynumber-. The + means two leading zeros in most countries of the world, just replace it by the two zeros before dialing. In some countries the meaning of the plus is different, so if you are not sure about it, ask your local telephone company. Some examples:

Calling from prefix
A, B, I, CH, L, FL 00-countrynumber
NL 09-countrynumber
GB 010-countrynumber
F 19-countrynumber
DK, S 009-countrynumber
N 095-countrynumber
USA, CAN 011-countrynumber

If you are in the same country, you should not dial this prefix. Then the prefix normally must be replaced by a single zero. Some countries omit the zero or use another number, often its the eight. Please have a look at national telephone whitepages or at the intrenet.