We're fascinated by man-made and man-used underground places — from mines to railway tunnels, military defences to nuclear bunkers and everything in between.
This is a list of European World Heritage sites, which are underground. We have the Subterranean World Heritage List if you want more, and the layout is less annoying, no endless scrolling, no animation with Parkinsons disease.
A nice list. Mine is bigger than yours!
Design And Construction of underground spaces. Some exist, some dont.
19th-century photographer explored the subterranea of Paris.
Dozens of underground site, all located below the city of Naples.
A list of tropes pertaining to subterranean locations, the things found therein and stories set in underground places. Fictitious but quite entertaining.
Nice list, but only five.
A nice list of underground hotels, its not our specialty, so we have not all of them listed yet...