Northern Territory

Outback Australia

The famous red centre and the world's largest monolith, Ayers Rock in the Uluru National Park. But also the Kakadu National Park famous from the movie Crocodile Dundee.

There are very little caves in the Northern Territory as there are only two karst areas. A small limestone area south of Darwin is the location of the ShowcaveCutta Cutta Caves. Another limestone area at the border to Queensland has no tourist caves.

The geology of the rest of the Northern Territory is not suitable for caves, there are sandstones and crystalline rocks. The climate of the north is wet and subtropic. But the climate of the center is arid, which does not allow the formation of karst caves. The wind erosion and the frost erosion produced strange rocks with wind caves and arches. Some of them are found at the CaveUluru (Ayers Rock).