Useful Information


Flow stones called Spitzenvorhang (curtain of lace) from the book:
BookDr. R. Hellbach (1869): Der kundige Begleiter in der Hermannshöhle.
CaveHermannshöhle, Austria.
Every show cave, mine or subterranea on this site has a short list of hard facts called Useful Information. With a contemporary browser it will be displayed like this text, with smaller font and darkgreen letters on white background.
In the Useful Information block you find information in a very brief form, which makes some explanation necessary.
It is very difficult to write dates, fees and hours in a well readable manner, so we always tried to find a sort of "international" way of writing it, which should be understood by anybody. But if you do not understand it, here is the explanation:

Some literature about the described cavern.

In most cases there is some kind of tourist publication, a booklet or whatever about the cave, which is sold at the cave entrance. They range from elaborated brochures to small books, containing cave description, some background info, and pictures. The good ones even have a cave map and some scientific info. Sometimes, there is good fiction about a cave! Caves are described in novels, legends and fairy tales. In Europe many caves have a legend. Some caves are mentioned in fairy tales. But thats not limited to Europe. Caves in Asia are often mentioned in religous stories. In the U.S.A. several caves play roles in a book, like Mark Twain Cave, which is described in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. If the cave was explored by scientists, there are usually several scientific publications. Sometimes there are books, but more often there are papers in scientific magazines. Caves and mines are often mentioned in geological, speleological, archaeological or history books.

The literature will be listed in the following form:

This format of citation is very common in science in Germany, and despite citation in my own profession computer science is rather different, I decided to use this form. It has several advantages, but the most important: everybody will understand the structure, even if one does not read this explanation. And the three most important information are listed first: author, year and title.

Since new browsers allow to use Small Caps all names of persons are written in this style. This applies also to the authors of publications.