Southern Transdanubia includes the counties of Somogy, Tolna, and Baranya, its capital is the city of Pécs. As the name says, it lies on the other side of the Danube, which in this case means south of the river, bordering to Croatia in the south. The lowland has some low hills and is composed of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. The main resources are coal layers from the Carbon, rhyolites from the Permian, and granites from the Carbon. The hills in the northern part are the Mecsek Mountains, mostly Jurassic limestone, but the eastern end, the Mórágy Hills are composed of granite. The Villány Mountains in the south, at the border to Croatia, are Triassic limestones.
South Transdanubia has remarkable geothermal and hydrocarbon resources in the Drava Basin and hypogene caves at the margin of outcropping carbonate hills.