
Abaliget Barlang - Cave of Abaliget - Paplika

Useful Information

Location: At Abaliget, Mecsek Mountains, near Pécz. (46°15', 18°05'E)
Open: 15-MAR to 15-OCT daily 9-18.
16-OCT to 14-MAR daily 10-15.
Last tour 1 h before closing.
Fee: Adults HUF 950, Children (6-18) HUF 750, Students HUF 750, Seniors (+) HUF 750, Family EUR 3900.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave. ExplainSpeleotherapy
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=1,750 m.
Guided tours: L=950 m, D=50 min. V=70,000/a [2000]
Bibliography: L. Zs. Vöröss (1969): Mohok és harasztok az Abaligeti barlangban, villanyfényben, (Moose und Farne bei elektrischem Licht in der Höhle von Abaliget (S-Ungarn)).
Bot. Közlem. 56: 176. (Magyar - Hungarian)
Gy. Lovász (1971): Adatok az Abaligeti-karszt geomorfológiai és hidrológiai jellemzéséhez, (Data For The Description Of The Abaligetien Karst),
Földrajzi értesítö XX, 3, pp.283-295. (Magyar - Hungarian)
A. Gebhardt (1933): Az Abaligeti és a Mánfai barlang állatvilágának összehasonlítása, állattani Közl. 30(1-2):36-44. (Magyar - Hungarian)
Address: Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park Igazgatósága, Tettye tér 9, 7625 Pécs, Tel: +36-72-213-263.

Abaligeti Barlang, 7678 Abaliget, Tel: +36-72-498-766, Tel: +36-72-498-684.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1768 discovered.
1923 start of bat monitoring.
1941 declared a Natural Monument.
2004 bat museum opened.


Abaligeti-barlang (Abaliget cave) is the largest and best-known cave of the Mecsek Mountains. It is a show cave, a popular excursion site, and also used for speleotherapy. The cave system is 1,750 m long and consists of a central passage and two side passages.

The cave is entered through an active cave passage, 38 m long and 6 m wide. This passage is filled with 75 cm deep water. The walls show spectacular corrosive and erosive forms, but little speleothems. This changes completely with the following main passage, which is full of impressive dripstones. The highlight is the Great Hall with its fine speleothems.

At the entrance of the cave is the Denevérmúzeum (Bat Museum) located. This museum is also a bat research station and is dedicated to the study of the local bats. 41 different bat species were found in the cave, 19 of them live continually in the cave. The most common bats are Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) and Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). Both are listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The bats are studied on this location since 1923. Abaliget is rich in fauna, the most famous Troglobiont is Stenasellus hungaricus, a blind crab.