Nature Protection

Cave Conservation & Ethics

Most of the sights described on are protected. And those that are not protected should be, in our opinion! We therefore ask you to avoid damage as far as possible during all visits. Find out beforehand which rules are to be observed. Above all:

Don't take anything with you!
Leave nothing behind!
Do not destroy anything!


Even a simple cave entry can disturb bats in their hibernation, which often means death for them. Bat grills on caves are therefore very sensible, and not intended as harassment for visitors. Bats please absolutely leave them alone!


Show caves are - of course - also protected! The fact that a stalactite is not behind bars does not mean that you are allowed to demolish it. Please stay on the paths and follow the cave guide's instructions. Many easily accessible (undeveloped) caves have been visited for centuries. And in recent years, the rush has increased even more significantly. The result:

Basically, even touching the stalactites damages them quite significantly. Even minimal amounts of sweat, salt and grease on the skin interrupt the growth of the dripstone for decades. Therefore: Keep off!

Karst springs

Most karst springs are also protected! This means that you are allowed to visit the springs, but not to swim or dive in them. Apart from the fact that the water in karst springs is quite cold at 8 degrees Celsius, you destroy valuable biotopes and reduce the water quality. Whirled-up sediment settles on water plants and thus disturbs photosynthesis.


Besides, diving in karst springs is also dangerous! There is always the danger of a cave-in, overhangs breaking off and the diver being buried. In most cases, such slides are even triggered by the diver's breath. Entering underwater caves is particularly life-threatening. Many divers, even experienced ones, have paid for this "fun" with their lives. Sources such as the Blautopf may now only be dived with special permission, which is only granted for scientific interest and to experienced cave divers.


Unfortunately, we live in an overpopulated world. When too many people indulge in the same recreational activity, damage is bound to occur. This is true for alpinism, skiing, caving, diving and many others. Everyone does his part to destroy the environment. Each individual destroys a little, and the more people focus on one thing, the more devastating the effects.

Due to the increase in tourism, damage to natural monuments is becoming more and more frequent. This involves both clumsy behaviour and lack of information on the part of visitors, as well as vandalism. If damage to natural monuments cannot be reduced, they will be closed in the future. Caves will be gated, karst features fenced off, and information withheld.