Useful Information


Every show cave, mine or subterranea on this site has a short list of hard facts called Useful Information. With a contemporary browser it will be displayed like this text, with smaller font and darkgreen letters on white background.
In the Useful Information block you find information in a very brief form, which makes some explanation necessary.
It is very difficult to write dates, fees and hours in a well readable manner, so we always tried to find a sort of "international" way of writing it, which should be understood by anybody. But if you do not understand it, here is the explanation:

The tourist objects described on have been categorized into six groups: caves, mines, subterranea, karst springs, karst phenomena and gorges. Most of them are underground, or at least geotopes very closely related to caves. These main groups are further subdivided in the Classification field. These are usually links and you will be redirected to a detailed explanation of the term in question. However, sometimes terms are given for which there is no explanation page on These are usually self-explanatory or are explained in the description.

The age of geotopes is often indicated, but not in years, but by giving the name of the respective geological period. These are explained in the Geologygeological time table. If relevant, the facies, i.e. the chemistry and properties of the rock, are also given. Sometime local specialties are added too.