Hotel Jalta Bunker Museum

Muzeum studené války - Cold War Museum

Useful Information

Location: Hotel Jalta, Václavské náměstí 45, Prague. (50°4'52.305"N, 14°25'42.778"E)
Open: All year daily 13, 14:30, 16, 17:30.
Fee: Adults CZK 130, Children (6-15) CZK 60, Children (0-5) free, Students CZK 90, Seniors CZK 90.
Classification: SubterraneaSecret Bunker
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: Max 7 persons per tour.
Photography: allowed, video only if allowed by guide.
Accessibility: no
Address: The Cold War Museum, E-mail:
Boutique Hotel Jalta A.S., Václavské náměstí 45, 110 00 Prague 1 Nové Město, Tel: +420-800-220-111, Fax: +420-800-220-119. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1945 former residential building destroyed by ally pilots.
1953 hotel and bunker erected.
1997 bunker given to the owner of the hotel.
2013 Czechoslovak Armed Forces Association founded.


Hotel Jalta was erected after the destruction of the former building during World War II. The second communist president Antonín Zápotocký and his architect Antonín Tenzer built the hotel in a style which is called Stalin’s baroque. At the same time the cold war bunker was secretly built below. The shelter could accommodate 150 people for about two weeks. It was in operation during the cold war, but was obsolete after the after the Velvet revolution. Subsequently it went under control of the civil defence of Prague city. In 1997 it was given to the hotel owner.

After the hotel owned the bunker the staff of the hotel were able to visit the bunker for the first time. Subsequently the hotel offered guided tours for their guests. In 2013 the hotel owner and the spolek Československé ozbrojené složky (Czechoslovak Armed Forces Association) made a contract. The non-prophit organisation was looking for a location for their Muzeum studené války (Cold War Museum), which is now located in the bunker. The bunker is now operated by them. Guided tours are offered daily and in English language. The size of the groups is limited to seven adults because the bunker is so narrow. It is also necessary to pre-book tours online, it is not possible to just show up.

The museum has thematic exhibitions on the history of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the armed forces and the Yalta Hotel. Other topics are border and customs guards, public security, and wiretapping. The military radio communication equipment is in working condition and the visitors can try them. The bunker has an infirmary for minor injuries.