Heilstollen Berchtesgaden

Useful Information

Location: Salzburger Straße 24, 83471 Berchtesgaden.
A8 exit 115 Bad Reichenhall, B20 via Bad Reichenhall to Berchtesgaden, left onto B305.
A10/E55 exit 8 Salzburg Süd, 160/B305.
(47.638170, 13.016930)
Open: MAY to OCT daily 9:30, 14.
NOV to APR daily 11, 14.
Fee: Morning entry EUR 23, Afternoon entry EUR 38, Trial hour EUR 15.
10 Card EUR 189.
Classification: MineSalt Mine MineHalotherapy
Light: LightIncandescent LightSon et Lumière
Dimension: Ar=850 m², H=85 %.
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH, Bergwerkstr. 85a, 83471 Berchtesgaden, Tel: +49-8652-979535, Fax: +49-8652-979386. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1990 Heilstollen first opened.
2002 taken over by Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH under the direction of Dr. Wolf Bürklin.


The Heilstollen Berchtesgaden, which has been advertised for some years now under the name Salzheilstollen, is a part of the salt mine that is used for wellness and medical therapy. Like speleotherapy, halotherapy, i.e. staying in a room in the salt, is probably more of an esoteric therapy. Nevertheless, this therapy is becoming increasingly popular, as can be seen from the many artificial salt caves that are being set up everywhere. The physical reason for the effect is quite simple and objectively verifiable: the air is very pure and has an increased CO2 content, which has a calming effect on the vegetative nervous system. The symptoms of asthma or allergies are significantly reduced. In contrast to homeopathy or Bachblüten, real effects on the body have been proven, similar to spas, mineral water or Kneipp applications. Diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, allergies, hay fever, sinusitis and tinnitus are undoubtedly alleviated, at least temporarily. The long-term effect of such a cure is still disputed, an irrefutable medical study has unfortunately still not been carried out, and so the treatment still remains controversial.

The Berchtesganden physician Dr. Schütz was a prisoner of war in Wieliczka near Krakow in Poland. He noticed that recovery was much faster in the salt mine. So he had the idea of building such a healing tunnel in an abandoned part of the salt mine in his hometown. However, this obviously did not take place, German school medicine has a hard time with such healing methods. The Heilstollen was only established in 1990 as part of the show mine and operated by a clinic in Berchtesgaden. In 2002, it was taken over by Heilstollen Berchtesgaden GmbH under the direction of Dr. Wolf Bürklin.

Although we have listed the Heilstollen as a show mine, it is not. It is an underground wellness facility, but is also used for concerts. If you are interested in the mine and its geology, please visit our show mine page.