Grube Otto

Useful Information

Location: Schlierbachweg 9, Unterdorf, 78078 Niedereschach-Schabenhausen.
10 km from Rottweil.
(48.131162, 8.498445)
Open: closed.
Fee: closed.
Classification: MineCopper Mine MineIron Mine
Light: bring torch
Guided tours: closed.
Address: Besucherbergwerk Grube Otto, Schlierbachweg 9, Unterdorf, 78078 Niedereschach-Schabenhausen.
Forschungs- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Historischen Bergbau e.V., Herrn Dirk Stecker, Hummelberg 12, 78078 Niedereschach E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1511 first written mention of mining.
1520 copper mining mentioned.
1602 copper mining mentioned.
1608 mining ended due to unproductiveness.
1781 exploration unsuccessful.
1989 mine tunnel reopened at the request of the Niedereschach municipal administration.



In the area of the municipality of Niedereschach there is historical mining, which has been made accessible by a working group. However, there are no regular opening hours, the two galleries Grube Otto am Kohlerberg and Karl im Mailänder are closed. The tunnels could only be visited on request at the Forschungs- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Historischen Bergbau e.V.. However, this group has since been dissolved. A replica of the galleries has been created in the basement of the Niedereschach museum of local history in 2018.