Location: |
Silberbergweg 27, 77716 Haslach im Kinzigtal.
Haslach-Schnellingen in the Kinzigtal (48.290384, 8.083683) |
Open: |
APR to OKT Wed-Sun 11:30, 13:30. Additional tours as needed. Online reservation recommended. [2023] |
Fee: |
Adults EUR 8, Children (4-14) EUR 6. Gästekarte: Adults EUR 7.50, Children (4-14) EUR 5.50. [2023] |
Classification: | Silver Mine |
Light: | Incandescent |
Dimension: | |
Guided tours: | D=90 min, MinAge=4, Max=15. |
Photography: | allowed |
Accessibility: | no |
Bibliography: |
H. Schmeltzer (1993):
Die Grube Segen Gottes bei Schnellingen - ein polymetallisches Mineralvorkommen
Erzgräber, Jg. 7, Nr. 2, S. 34-35.
Address: |
Besucherbergwerk Segen Gottes, Silberbergweg 27, 77716 Haslach im Kinzigtal.
Tourist-Information, Im Alten Kapuzinerkloster, 77716 Haslach, Tel: +49-7832-706-172. E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
13th century | first written mention of the mining. |
18th century | mine closed. |
1997 | converted into a show mine. |
2003 | show mine opened to the public. |
The Kinzigtal (Kinzig valley) is rich on ores, mainly fluorite, baryte, and silver bearing Fahlerz (lit. pale ore). There were numerous mines along the vally, but most of them were closed long ago. Tho only open mine is Grube Clara near Oberwolfach where fluorite and baryte is mined in a depth of 600 m. It is also the only mine in Germany where silver is mined profitably, bt only as a side product.
The historic silver mine Segen Gottes in Haslach-Schnellingen is one of the most important historic mines in the black forest. It represents the Schnellingen mining district where silver was mined for 800 years. The ore is found in ore dykes together with baryte and fluorite. The name Segen Gottes (Blessed by God) is rather common for Medieval mines, so this mine named Grube Segen Gottes bei Schnellingen in scientific literature.
The exact age of the mine is unknown, also the name under which it was mined during the Middle Ages. First historic documents tell about the mine during the mid-16th century when it was operated by Hans Ruchmann Tödinger from Offenburg under the name Barbara zu Unseren lieben Frauen beim Illenbad. In the year 1711 it was reopened by a man named Michel and operated until 1714 under the name Grube Segen Gottes. Subsequently the mine was closed, until it was reopened and developed as a show mine in 1997.
Because of the long time the mine has been closed, the medieval mining was not destroyed by later mining activities. The tunnels were created by hand using hammer and chisel and are well preserved. There are chambers for the winch, medieval shoring, and raised platforms. The frame of the shaft and the manual winch are also preserved. The mine has drifts, adits, probing tunnels, two shafts and six raises. The most extraordinary archaeological highlight of the mine is the well-preserved pump from the 18th century which is mounted on top of a water ditch. The well of the pump is mounted below the ceiling of the tunnel, and the lever rod system is also preserved. The tubes of the pump and the wooden intake tube with a sieve were lifted from the ditch and are on display too.
The mine has four levels, the upper three are mining tunnels and part of the show mine, the lowest level named Badstollen is an adit draining the mine and not accessible to the public. It does not reach the orebody. The uppermost level is named Oberer Stollen (Upper Drift) and has various raisings and castings. The middle level is the 85 m long Rotgüldengang. The third level is called Mittlerer Stollen (middle tunnel) and has a 160 m long adit for draining the mine and an ore mining drive which has not yet been opened completely. Only 76 m of this drive are part of the shoe mine. The show mine has a total length of 500 m and ges down 57 m.
A specialty of this mine is the wealth of minerals. On three levels the ore can be seen with a wide range of different ores and minerals. The dyke is about three meters wide and mostly filled with fluorite and baryte. There are numerous geodes with fluorite and baryte minerals, combined with dozens of other minerals. The most mpressive minerals can be seen in the Mittlerer Stollen.
A special kind of minerals are the wealth of speleothems which formed inside the mine. When the mining ended, the growth of stalagmites and stalactites was undisturbed for centuries, and dripstones of impressive size and colour were formed. The reason for this enormous speed is the chemical process: the dripstones are not formed of calcite but of ochre.