Location: | Sierra Harana. From Granada follow the highway carretera de Pulianas to the north. After 14 km in Cogollos Vega, follow the road to Deifontes, which is only partly paved. The trail to the cave starts halfway to Deifontes at the Cerro de la Atalaya. |
Open: | workdays 10-15 |
Fee: | |
Classification: | Karst Cave |
Light: | Incandescent |
Dimension: | A=1700 m asl, L=10,000 m, |
Guided tours: | D=3 h, max 14 pers. |
Photography: | |
Accessibility: | |
Bibliography: | |
Address: | Cueva del Agua, Diputación de Granada, Area de Cultura, Plaza de los Girones, 1, 18009 Granada, Tel: +34-958-247384 or +34-958-247366, Fax: +34-958-247385. E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
Cueva del Agua is located on Sierra Harana at the slopes of pico Orduña (1,931 m asl). This is not a developed cave and many water filled passages make it dangerous to explore.
In this cave, cave trekking tours are organized. They last about three hours and are offered only workdays. That makes this cave not really interesting for the regular tourist.