Grutas de Cristal

Crystal Grotto - Graderas Cave

Useful Information

Location: 3 km from Graderas.
(40.793714, -0.450190)
Open: MAR to MAY Fri-Sun 10-13:30, 16-19.
JUN Thu-Sun 10-13:30, 16-19.
JUL Wed-Sun 10-13:30, 16-19.
AUG daily 10-13:30, 16-19.
SEP Wed-Sun 10-13:30, 16-19.
OCT to DEC Fri-Sun 10-13:30, 16-19.
School Holidays daily 10-13:30, 16-19.
All year daily 10-13:30, 16-19.
Tours 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30.
Closed 25-DEC, 01-JAN.
Fee: Adults EUR 9, Children (6-12) EUR 5, Seniors EUR 7.
Groups (): Adults EUR 7.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave Oligocene-Miocene limestones (40-23Ma).
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: VR=24 m, T=12ºC, A=970 m asl.
Guided tours: D=60 min.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Grutas de Cristal, Ayto. de Major, Plaza Major, 1, 44556 Molinos, Teruel, Tel: +34-978-849085, Fax: +34-978-849254. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


APR-1961 cave discovered by speleologists club de ski Puigmal de Barcelona and named Graderas Cave.
1981 opened to the public.


The crystals mentioned in the name of Grutas de Cristal (Crystal Caves) are Speleothemhelictites which are primarily found in the Sala de los Cristales (Crystal Chamber). It is famous for huge amounts of helictites all over walls and ceiling. The Sala Marina (Sea Chamber) is famous for cave corals, hence the name.

The cave is located almost 5 km south of the village Molinos. It was discovered by cavers in 1961 who were acompanied by residents. It is located inside a barren limestone ridge, the entrance is in a narrow gorge. The road was built to provide access to the show cave and end in front of the ticket office. A stone staircase leads up the gorge to the cave entrance. A time line along the staircase explains the genesis of the landscape and the cave. It also contains a large-format photographic exhibition of the cave.

The cave also offers environmental education programs, called underground classroom, for different school levels. Free material for environmental education are for download on the website.

Another important discovery in the cave were the remains of the Hombre de Molinos (Molinos Man), named after the nearby town Molinos. The remains are 25,000 years old and were removed from the cave. They are now on display in the local museum. The Museo de las Formaciones (Museum of Formations) in the town of Molinos is located in the new laundry building. Beneath a cave replica it also offers an audiovisual display.

Every year the caves are the location of the Festival ‘Música y Palabra’ ('Music and Word' Festival), which is a combination of classical music and poetry.