Bears' Caves

The cave bear lived in Europe during the ExplainPleistocene. The scientific name Ursus spelaeus derives from the fact that he lived in caves. For more information about the cave bear see ExplainUrsus spelaeus.

Many caves in Europe contain remains of those generations of bears living there. Several are even called Bears' Cave, due to the remains found there.

Very often those remains were used to produce fertilizer or gun powder. Both didn't work very well or at least not for very long. Even meters of deposits are soon at an end, if they are carried away with heavy machinery.

This is a list of caves that share this kind of history. Most of them are famous for their cave bear remains, some contained the bones of hundreds or thousands of bears. Some of them are important steps in the scientic explorations of cave bears. All those caves and other finding places of cave bear remains tell us, in which area cave bears lived.

The grey area on the map shows this. Its ends to the east a little bit outside the map, at the Aral lake.

Baumannshöhle Baumannshöhle Einhornhöhle Bärenhöhle Grotte d'Osselle Grotte d'Azé Drachenloch, Mixnitz Važecká Jaskyna Grotta Conturines Grotta Conturines Grotta Conturines Kents Cavern Kents Cavern Bone Cave Bone Cave Pestera Ursilor Pestera Ursilor Grotte Chauvet Norge - Norway Deutschland - Germany United Kingdom - Great Britain United Kingdom - Great Britain Eire - Ireland France España - Spain Belgique - Belgium Czech Republic Slovakia österreich - Austria Schweiz - Suisse - Swizzera - Switzerland Italia - Italy Greece Slovenia Magyar - Hungaria Romania Türkije - Turkey Bulgaria France Italia - Italy Tunisia Greece: Crete Suomi - Finland Polski - Poland Russia Russia Ukraine The Netherlands Portugal Libya Croatia Islas Baleares Islas Baleares Islas Baleares Islas Baleares Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark