Kasematte Edling Süd

Useful Information

Location: 57320 Hestroff.
From Metz D3 towards Saarlouis 23 km, turn left through Hestroff, 400 m after the village turn right. 1.2 km north of Hestroff.
(49.274998, 6.436742)
Open: Currently closed due to Covid-19.
Fee: Currently closed due to Covid-19.
Classification: SubterraneaCasemates TopicLigne Maginot
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: Deutsch - German Français - French
Accessibility: no
Address: Kasematte Edling Süd, 57320 Hestroff.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1970 privatized and used as an allotment garden site.
2000 abandoned and vandalized, electric installations stolen.
2009 bunker purchased by Thomas Koschyck.
2016 opened to the public.


Probably the name Kasematte Edling Süd (Casemate Edling Sud) is a hint that there is something strange. The German name for a bunker in France, and actually it is not a German bunker, it’s a part of the Maginot Line, the French fortification line. Like many other bunkers the Casemate was sold, or actually the ground where it is located was sold. And as there are no restriction any more in Europe, it was sold to a German, Thomas Koschyck. Located only a few kilometers from the German border it is operated by a small non-profit association