Les Hautes Roches

Le Domaine des Hautes Roches

Useful Information

Location: Rochecorbon, 8 km from Tours, 7 km from Saint Pierre des Corps, Loire valley. A10 exit Tours Nord, Sainte Radegonde, then left towards Vauvray.
Open: Hotel: 26-MAR to 30-JAN daily.
Restaurant: 26-MAR to 30-JAN daily, closed Monday, no lunch Wednesday, no dinner Sunday.
It is a hotel, open for guests. [2014]
Fee: Rooms EUR 150 to 300. [2014]
Classification: SubterraneaCave House
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours:
Address: Hotel Les Hautes Roches, 86, Quai de la loire, 37210 Rochecorbon, Tel: +33-24752-8888, Fax: +33-24752-8130. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


12th century caves carved into the soft tufa.
1987 bought by Philippe Mollard and transformed into a luxury accommodation.


Domaine des Hautes Roches (High Rocks Estate) is a hotel which is built into artificial caves along the banks of the Loire river. The lounges and dining rooms are located in a charming XVIIIth century castle with tufa walls. Most of the 15 rooms are located in the caves in the cliff face. The premises are a former monastery.