Finca Ixobel Cave Trips

La Cueva del Río - La Cueva Ixobel - La Cueva del Eco

Useful Information

Location: Finca Ixobel.
About 3 km south of Poptún. Microbuses from Flores.
(16.304077, -89.420642)
Open: All year daily 8-16.
Cave tours: All year daily 8:30, 14.
Fee: River Cave: Adults GTQ 70.
Ixobel Cave: Adults GTQ 90.
Groups (2+): Adults GTQ 60.
Echo Cave: Adults GTQ 90.
Groups (2+): Adults GTQ 60.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: bring torch.
Dimension: A=600 m asl.
Guided tours: River Cave: D=120 min..
Ixobel Cave: D=180 min.
Echoing Cave: D=120 min..
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Finca Ixobel Hotel Ecologico, Guest House and Camping, Km. 376, Poptún, Petén, Tel: +502-5410-4307, Tel: +502-5514-9161, Tel: +502-4802-0069, WhatsApp: +502-4142-6525. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1971 Michael Devine and his wife Carole moved to Poptun and opened the farm.


Finca Ixobel Hotel Ecológico is a phantastic idea for soft tourism, as it is a working farm which is also a guesthouse and campground. Visitors can just relax in the beautiful landscape or use some offered activities, which include sport, especially swimming, inner tubing, and cave trekking. There are numerous caves inside the limestone hills, which belong to the Maya Mountains. Three of the caves are guided in cave trekking tours.

La Cueva del Río (River Cave) is said to be the most exciting tour, because of the underground river with rapids and waterfalls. The participants should be able to swim. La Cueva Ixobel (Ixobel Cave) is a mostly dry cave with some rimstone pools. It is notable for its formation, stalagmites, stalagmites and of course the pools. This cave is 45 minutes walk from the farm. La Cueva del Eco (Echoing Cave) is the smallest of the three caves, notable for its secluded chambers with speleothems. It is only 25 minutes walk from the farm.

All these caves are not developed, so visitors must have a torch, good walking shoes and a little physical fitness. Although most visitors tend to go into River Cave with bathing suits, which is possible because of the rather high temperature, the cave has sharp-edged rocks and it is better to wear appropriate clothes. The caves do not belong to Finca Ixobel, so it is possible to visit them with other guides and also on your own, but it is much recommended using the professional offers of the finca (farm), which is run by Carole DeVine, an American woman who settled here 30 years ago.