Grgosova Špilja

Grgos' Cave

Useful Information

Location: Otruševac 17/4, 10430 Otruševec.
In Otruševec near Samobor, 28 km from Zagreb. From Samobor drive north to Velika Jazbina, then to Otruševec. Opposite the restaurant Kod špilje at the road.
(45.8191058, 15.6784627)
Open: Summer Tue-Sun 12-17, hourly on the hour.
All year after appointment, Get key at restaurant Kod špilje.
Fee: Adults HRK 25, Children HRK 15.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=52 m, VR=19 m, T=10-11 °C.
New Cave: L=97 m, VR=14 m.
Guided tours: L=29 m, D=10 min.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: yes
Address: Grgosova Špilja, Restoran "Kod špilje", Josip Grgos, Otruševac 17/4, 10430 Otruševec, Tel: +385-1-3375-888.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


28-DEC-1973 discovered by Josip Grgos while quarrying limestone.
1974 declared a Natural Monument.
2007 new passage with three chambers discovered.


Grgosova Špilja was named after its owner, Josip Grgos. It is a small but beautiful cave, consisting only of two chambers. The tour shows the upper chamber, the lower one is not developed. It is located in the hamlet Otrusevec.

Josip Grgos was owner of a small quarry, the mined rocks were burned to produce lime. It was a hard work, and lime was not very valuable, so he was not rich, but he was able to sustain his family. One day he set explosives to loosen the rock and make the quarrying easier. But he discovered a sort of hole, a cve which was filled with loose sediments, like sand gravel and clay. This content was not valuable, but he had the idea that ther could be a cave behind the filled passage. Together with frieds he worked three weeks, removing the sediment from the cave passage, and after 120 m they finally discovered a huge chamber with nice speleothems. It is 30 m long and 19 m wide, and has numerous fine speleothems, which are very well-preserved. There are soda straws, helictites and draperies. He equipped the chamber with trails and electric light and opened his own show cave. Only a year later it ws declared a Natural Monument.

Research in the cave revealed numerous cave animals. Grgos cave is home to nine groups of invertebrates, spiders, pseudoscorpions, isopods, centipedes, diplopods, springtails, two-pronged bristletails, beetles and orthopterans.

In 2007, an extension of the cave was discovered, a 130-m long passage with three chambers. It was named New Grgos Cave and immediately developed and added to the show cave, at least a section of 46 m. The new extension was opened to the public in 2008.

The cave is located in the hillside, with a road running along. There is a parking lot, and a restaurant named Kod Špilje (At The Cave). The cave is operated by the restaurant if it is closed, it’s possible to get the key at the restaurant. The restaurant offers local cuisine, salads, and traditional meals cooked according to ancient recipes.