Grotte delle Meraviglie

Grotta della Marta - Cave of Wonders

Useful Information

Location: Via Grotte delle Meraviglie 1, 24019 Zogno BG.
Near Zogno. 11 km N of Bergamo, Valle Brembana. From the road Bergamo-San Pellegrino, at the city limits turn left onto the road to Brembilla. After the tunnel immediatel right. 15 minutes hike to the cave entrance.
(45.7884190, 9.6353858)
Open: MAY to SEP Sun 14:30-16:30.
Only on certain Sundays, generally second and fourth Sunday of the Month.
Please call or see website.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=211 m, VR=105 m, T=12 °C.
Guided tours: L=156 m, VR=15 m, D=45 min, Max=15.
Accessibility: No wheelchairs or strollers
Address: Gruppo Speleologico Grotte delle Meraviglie di Zogno, Tel: +39-366-4541598 (evening hours). E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1932 discovered.
1939 opened to the public.
1969 Ermenegildo Zanchi died and the cave was closed.
1983 cave reopened on an initiative of the speleo club Gruppo delle Nottole, only for didactic cave tours.
1990 cave closed.
2003 reopened to the public by the Comune di Zogno.


Grotte delle Meraviglie (Caves of Wonder) is located above the highway through the Valle Brembana. It is located in grey limestone of the Lower Raetium, locally called calcare di zu'. This typical limestone of the Southern Limestone Alps was uplifted by the orogeny of the alps. It is rich in fossilized corals.

The cave was named Cave of Wonders because of its wealth of beautiful speleothems. It was opened to the public in 1939 by the local cave club Gruppo Grotte di San Pellegrino Terme. Ermenegildo Zanchi from this club was convinced of this and invested a lot of money and tenacity into the development. He managed the cave for decades, and when he died in 1969 it was closed.

For a long time the cave was administered and guided by the Gruppo delle Nottole, who opened it in the 80s for special tours. The tours had to be organized and were offered only for groups, but they were very educative. Since 2003 the cave is administered by the Comune di Zogno (municipality of Zogno), which also renovated the installations. It was reopened in 2004 as a show cave. The tours are made by the ODV Speleological Group Grotte delle Meraviglie.

The cave is entered through an artificial tunnel of 90 m length. This was necessary, as the natural entrance is a 60 m deep pothole. The largest hall is 25x15 m and up to 4 m high.

The caves are actually very easy to reach, but as there is no sign it’s a little tricky. The SS470 from Bergamo runs along the valley, and being the main road it has four lanes. But shortly before it reaches Zogno it becomes 2-lane, and goes through a short tunnel. Right at the end of the tunnel the via Grotte delle Meraviglie turns off to the right. The road branches off in an acute angle, so it is essential to slow down, and as the road has heavy traffic, this may cost nerves. The short road offers parking, and there is a staircase which goes up on top of the tunnel. The trail crosses the tunnel, the cave entrance is on the other side in the cliff. The staircase has a door, and is open only when the cave is open.