
Ondaldong Gul - Ondaldong-gul - Ondal Cave

Useful Information

Location: 23 Ondal-ro, Yeongchun-myeon, Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do.
Ha-ri, Youngch'un-myon, Danyang county, 21.7 km from new Danyang. Free parking, 250 spaces.
(37.062810, 128.489521)
Open: Summer daily 9-18
Winter daily 9-17:30.
Last admission is one hour before closing.
Fee: Adults WON 5,000, Middle/High School Students WON 3,500, Elementary School Students WON 2,500, Seniors (65+) WON 1,500.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: T=15 °C.
Guided tours: L=800 m.
Address: Ondal Cave, 23 Ondal-ro, Yeongchun-myeon, Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Tel: +82-43-420-1254, Tel: +82-43-423-8820
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1966 academic research.
1975 opened to the public.
18-JUN-1979 designated Natural Monument No. 261.


온달동굴 (Ondaldong-gul, Ondal Cave) is located below Ondal Castle and named after it. On ancient maps, like Dongguk Yojiseoungram, the map of east nations, it is also called Nam-gul (South cave) or Sansung Gul (Castle cave).

The cave is entered through a portal which is 8 m high and 15 m wide. The tour includes the main branch, which is 312 m long, and a side branch which is 283 m long. Six chambers of various size contain an abundance of beautiful speleothems. The cave has a cave river, which springs from the cave and is said to be the underground drainage of nearby Dragon’s Lake (Yongso), located in the Kagok-myon.