Riežupes smilšu alas

Sand Caves of Riezupe

Useful Information

Location: Kuldīgas nov., Rumbas pag..
In Kuldīga cross the Venta river on P120, first left on Krasta iela, after 1.5 km turn right, after 3 km where the Riežupe flows into the Venta park the car. Short walk upstream Riežupe brook. Signposted.
(57.006947, 21.986769)
Open: Summer daily 11-17.
Fee: Adults EUR 6, Children EUR 4.
Classification: SubterraneaRock Mine MineSand Mine
Light: candles.
Dimension: L=2,000 m, T=8 °C
Guided tours: L=460 m, D=30 min.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Riežupes smilšu alas, Kuldīgas nov., Rumbas pag..
Inese Štofrēgene: Tel: +371-29555042, Tel: +371-29896646, Tel: +371-28636831 E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1957 mine closed.
1991 opened to the public.



The Riežupes smilšu alas (Sand Caves of Riezupe) are despite the name no caves, they are sandstone mines. The soft quarz sandstone was mined for four generation to produce glass, the fine sand it consists of is very pure and the produced glass is of high quality. The sand is today also used by people for medicinal purposes, to warm painful places with. The mine is also popular for weddings, the flowers newlyweds leave in the sand last for months without water. This is, quite obviously, interpreted as supernatural power for their lifetime. The mine is home to eight species of bats, as a result it is closed during winter to protect the bats.

The mine has passages which are about 1 m wide and 1.80 m high, large visitors may have to duck or stoop. The floor is level and covered by the fine white quartz sand. The passages are located about 8 m below the surface, the entrance from the valley is more or less level. The small mine is located in a romantic valley with dense forests. It is named after the brook Riežupe, which flows into Venta river only 500 m from the mine.