Location: |
Grängen 266, 713 94 Nora.
(59.72220181835552, 14.883015559380446) |
Open: |
no restrictions. [2024] |
Fee: |
free. [2024] |
Classification: |
![]() |
Light: |
![]() |
Dimension: | |
Guided tours: | self guided, tours offered during summer. |
Photography: | allowed |
Accessibility: | no |
Bibliography: | |
Address: |
Slotterberget Gruvfält, Grängen 266, 713 94 Nora.
Björn Skeppner, Tel: +46-70-592-94-80. Nora Turistbyrå, Järnvägsgatan 1, 713 31 Nora, Tel: +46-587-811 20. E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
mid-18th century | beginning of mining. |
1884 | Sweden’s first magnetic ore separator installed, constructed by Jonas Wenström. |
1920s | mines closed. |
Slotterberget (Castle Mountain) is a so-called gruvfält (mining field). It’s also known as Slåtterbergsgruvorna. We normally list underground show mines, sometime mining museums or open air museums. This is a sort of open air museum with numerous remains from the long abandoned mining. There were numerous mines, and the most spectacular is the tunnel of the Venuspassagen (Venus Gallery). The mine tunnel from 1877 is 247 m long, but although it is rather safe, it is closed with a gate, and it’s not possible to make an underground tour. The most spectacular remains is the 250 m long open cast mine, which follows the ore vein.
The site is open all year without restrictions, there are walking trails, educational signs, and picnic areas. One of the trails is called gruvstig (mine trail). You can see the ruins of mine buildings, tunnel openings (all gated), and several open cast mines. It is located about 1 km southeast of the lake and the community of Grängen. From the village of Grängshyttan it is signposted.
On certain days, typically the first and last Saturday in July, at 14, there is a 3-hour guided tour. The mining methods, the safety requirements against landslides, the work of the miners, the pollution of the surrounding nature, and the economic importance of the mines is explained. The tours meet at the road where the trail starts, 350 m northeast of Hjuljerns herrgård. Wear good walking shoes and appropriate clothes, probably sun protection. Bring something to drink and a snack, there will be a coffee break at half-time. The tours are organized by Björn Skeppner, contact him for more info.