Location: |
In the National Nature Reserve Demanovska Valley.
Nizke Tatry, Dumbierske Tatry, Demanovske vrchy, cadastral area Demanovska Dolina, district Liptovsky Mikulas, Zilinsky region
D1 (E50) exit Lipt. Mikuláš, follow rd. 584 south 9 km. (49.016236, 19.582967) |
Open: |
15-MAY to 31-MAY Tue-Sun 9:30, 11, 12:30, 14. JUN to AUG Tue-Sun 9-16, hourly on the full hour 01-SEP to 15-NOV Tue-Sun 9:30, 11, 12:30, 14. [2021] |
Fee: |
Adults EUR 8, Children (6-15) EUR 4, Students EUR 7, Disabled EUR 4, Seniors (60+) EUR 7. Foto Permit EUR 10. [2021] |
Classification: | Karst Cave ice cave, Middle Triassic limestones. Dragon Cave |
Light: | LED |
Dimension: | L=8,355 m, A=815 m asl. |
Guided tours: |
L=650 m, D=45 min.
Developed paths: L=850 m. V=50,000/a [2000] |
Photography: | allowed with permit and without tripod |
Accessibility: | no |
Bibliography: | |
Address: |
Demänovská Ladova Jaskyna, 031 01 Liptovsky Mikulas, Tel: +421-849-5548170
Správa slovenských jaskýň, Hodžova 11, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, Tel: +421-44-553-61-01, Tel: +421-44-553-64-11. E-mail: . |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
1299 | first mention of caves in the Demänovská valley in the Esztergom Chapter bill. |
1714-1724 | surveyed by G. Buchholtz Jr. |
~1885 | open to the public for some years. |
1952 | reopened for the public. |
Demanovska Ice Cave is a karst cave with five levels, formed by the former Demanovska river. In the cave, bones of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) were found. In the 18th century the people thought this were dragons bones and called the cave Dracia L'adova Jaskyna (Dragons Ice Cave). The lowest level of the cave system contains ice.
The whole cave system is more than 8 km long and has five levels. Several parts of the system are open to the public, under different names. Originally the different natural cave entrances were named as independent caves, but explorations during the 20th century connected them to a big cave system.