Kuza Cave

Useful Information

Location: Kibigija, Jambiani, Zanzibar.
(-6.303449, 39.533965)
Open: All year daily 8-18.
Fee: Cave Visit: Adults USD 10.
Drumming + Dancing Adults USD 10.
Lunch + Swahili Cooking Lesson: Adults USD 30.
Cave + Lunch + Swahili Cooking Lesson: Adults USD 30.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent Electric Light System
Guided tours:
Address: Kuza Cave, Kibigija, Jambiani, Tel: +255-777-672-652. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



Kuza Cave is not a show cave with a guided tour, it’s more like a cenote in Yucatan: a collapsed circular cave chamber with groundwater at the bottom forming a turquoise blue lake. There is a staircase to the water and people go there for bathing. Of course there are legends that the water is healthy and will cure all kinds of diseases, however, that’s completely unfunded.

Kuza Cave is not only the name of the cave, it is also the name of a Culture Centre which offers tours to the cave, half-day and full day tours. There are different packages which may include an exhibition of artefacts from the cave and a timeline of Swahili history, back to the beginning of man’s existence in East Africa. There are drumming and dancing performers living on-site, they do shows and educational courses. The centre has an open-plan kitchen where they both prepare food or offer cooking courses, explaining how to blend blend Zanzibar spices and cook fresh coconut milk curry. Typical local dishes are seafood curry, Urojo, a Zanzibar soup, Catlass or Chapati. The centre is a meeting point for local musicians, artists, and writers.

The center is located in North Jambiani, only 8 minutes drive from Paje.