Delaware Copper Mine

Useful Information

Location: US-41, Copper Harbor, MI 49918.
Delaware, Keweenaw County, MI. U.S. 41, 19 km south of Copper Harbor.
(47.424258, -88.098569)
Open: Mid-MAY to mid-OCT daily 10-18.
SEP to OCT daiyl 10-17.
Last Tour begins 45 minutes before closing time.
Fee: Adults USD 13, Children (6-12) USD 7, Children (0-5) free.
Classification: MineCopper Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: self guided. D=45 min., VR=35 m.
Address: Delaware Copper Mine, US-41, Copper Harbor, MI 49918, Tel: +1-906-289-4688. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1847 mining started.
1887 mining ended.
1977 opened as a show mine.


The Delaware Copper Mine was mined for forty years in the mid 19th century. During this period about 3,600 tons of copper were removed from five shafts. The mine had 10 levels, the deepest one being 430 m deep. It was one of the first mines in the area, operated mainly by miners from Cornwall in England. They introduced their mining technology and the famous Cornish pasty to this area.

In 1843 a first mining boom started in Delaware, which is today much less known than the famous gold rush of 1849, but the mining here provided far higher profits.

The mine tour shows the uppermost level at a depth of 35 m. The underground tour is self-guided, it starts with a short video and there are explanatory signs along the trail. The paths are safe and well lit, but visitors get helmets, probably just to create the right atmosphere. If there are questions which are not answered by the signs, they can be addressed at the gift shop after the visit.