Phoenix Mine

Useful Information

Location: Idaho Springs. I-70 westernmost exit of Idaho Springs, follow Stanley Rd (Rd 6) west for 1.8 km, then turn left on first dirt road, Trail Creek Rd., 1.9 km to the mine.
Open: JAN to APR daily 10-16.
MAY to OCT daily 10-17.
NOV to DEC daily 10-16.
Fee: Adults USD 10, Children (5-11) USD 5, Children (0-4) free, Seniors (65+) USD 8.
Groups (20+): reductions available.
Classification: MineGold Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: T=5-12 °C, A=2,500 m asl.
Guided tours: D=60min
Address: The Phoenix Gold Mine, P.O. Box 3236, Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452, Tel: +1-303-567-0422. E-mail: contact
Idaho Springs Visitors Center, 2060 Miner Street, PO Box 97, Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452, Tel: +1-303-567-4382, Free: +1-800-6857785.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1871 first gold discovered at Phoenix Gold Mine site.
1934 sold to Mr Gunderson.
1943 mine closed by the government due to World War II.
1950s leased by Al Simmons.
1972 purchased by Al Mosch and reopened.
2009 scheduled opening of two new tunnels.



Phoenix Mine was discovered in 1871 by a man with the last name Miner, that’s not a joke. The discovery was about 300 m above the current entrance. The mine was then sold to a Cornish miner who worked the Rockford Tunnel. He intersected the Phoenix Vein after 300 m and worked it for some time. He got so rich, he was able to return home and retire in Cornwall. The mine was abandoned and later sold to a farmer from Minnesota named Gunderson. He dug three levels of tunnels including the level which is shown on the tours. He also became rich, but when he closed the mine in 1943 it was because it was shut down by the government. The government tried to enforce the mining of materials needed for war. In the 1950s Al Simmons, and with two partners he swept the gold dust left in the stopes.

The mine was purchased in 1972 by Alvin Mosch and mined with his family. He discovered another gold bearing vein, the Resurrections Vein. The mine is still operational, mined by the Mosch family. Samples of ore are sold on ebay by Jo A. Petit. Al Mosch also wrote two autobiographic books, which are sold at the mine.