Location: |
Sonnhalb 21, 5511 Hüttau.
E55 exit Hüttau, between Bischofshofen and Altenmark, south of Salzburg. The museum is in the city center in the Gewerkenhaus, an old mine building. (47.449842, 13.312711) |
Open: |
Kupferzeche Hüttau:
JUN daily by appointment. JUL to AUG daily 10-16. SEP to 15-SEP daily 11, 14. 16-SEP to 14-MAY by appointment. Museum Hüttau: JUL to 15-SEP daily 11-16. [2022] |
Fee: |
Kupferzeche Hüttau:
Adults EUR 12, Children (6-15) EUR 6, Children (4-5) free. Groups: Adults EUR 10. Museum Hüttau: Adults EUR 5, Children (6-15) EUR 2.50, Children (4-5) free. Groups: Adults EUR 4. Combi Ticket: Adults EUR 15. [2022] |
Classification: |
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Light: |
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Dimension: | T=7-8 °C |
Guided tours: | MinAge=4. |
Photography: | allowed |
Accessibility: | no |
Bibliography: |
G. Kandutsch (2005): Historische Kupferzeche und Mineralienmuseum: Larzenbach und Huttau im Pongau, Osterreich Mineralien Magazin Lapis, Jahrgang 30, Ausgabe 5, 2005, pages 40-42. Christian Weise Verlag GmbH, ISSN 0176-1285. |
Address: |
Historische Kupferzeche am Larzenbach, Sonnhalb 21, 5511 Hüttau, Tel: +43-6458-7103, Tel: +43-6458-7232.
E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
13th century | beginning of mining activities. |
1549 | first written account. |
1594 | Gewerkenhaus built, which today hosts the museum. |
1853 | mining revived for a shor time. |
1869 | mining ended. |
1989 | start of restauration as a show mine. |
1998 | opened to the public. |
25-MAY-2003 | Museum Hüttau inaugurated. |
This copper deposit is rather old, it was deposited 400 Ma ago during the Carboniferous. There are two different copper ores, Kupferkies (chalcopyrite, CuFeS2) with a copper content of about 15% and Fahlerz a copper ore which also contains antimony. The sedimentary layers, once deposited horizontally, where deformed by the Alpine orogeny and have now a dip of about 45°.
The ore is oxidized and dissolved by the dripping water. Oxydized copper has an intensive green colour, and so many green spots can be seen throughout the tour. There are even some green dripstones, when the sopper oxide is transported by the water and redeposited.
The area was mined for copper about 4,000 years ago by the Illyrans, later by the Celts. During the Middle Ages, the mine was of great importance for the area. The heydays were during the 16th and 17th century, then taxes increased and deposits were exhausted and many mines were closed. During the 18th century the mining almost ended, it was revived a last time in 1853, when the Kupfergewerkschaft "Larzenbach" was founded and a new mine named Barbara was opened. Sixteen years later it was closed finally, because of poor ores and competition by the