Location: |
Near Adamov.
Moravian Karst about 15 km (10 miles) northeast of Brno.
Between Olomučany, Adamov, and Křtiny.
From Adamov to Křtiny, 200 m after the turnoff to Olomučany.
(49.3075019, 16.6948462) |
Open: |
Cave: Open days 3 weekends in June 9-16, reservation mandatory. Entrance area: no restrictions. [2023] |
Fee: |
Cave: free, donations welcome. Entrance area: free. [2023] |
Classification: |
![]() |
Light: | bring torch |
Dimension: | |
Guided tours: | D=90 min. |
Photography: | allowed |
Accessibility: | no |
Bibliography: |
Jindřich Wankel (1882):
Bilder aus der Mährischen Schweiz und ihrer Vergangenheit,
Wien 1882
![]() H. Parzinger, J. Nekvasil, F.E. Barth, et al. (1995): Die Býčí skála Höhle, RG Forsh. 54, Mainz a/R 1995 ![]() Peter Bosted, Ann Bosted (1989): Caving in Eastern Europe, International Caver, 1989, pp 273, mentions Byci Skala on p 274 Antonín Přichystal, Miroslav Náplava (1995): Záhada Býčí skály aneb jeskynĕ plná otazník?, The Mystery of Býčí skála (Bull Rock Cave), Třebíč: AMAPRINT Kerndl, 1995. Julian Griffiths (1984): Czechosolovakia, Cambridge Underground 1984 pp 23-25. online |
Address: |
Skalní Mlýn - Informační centrum, 67825 Blansko, Tel: +420-516-413575, Tel: +420-516-410024, Fax: +420-506-415379.
E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
1872 | excavation of Hallstadt remains in the cave by Jindřich Wankel. |
1959 | surveyed by R. Burkhardt. |
1970-1990 | reexamination of the preserved anthropological and archaeological material. |
The Býčí skála (Bull Rock cave) is famous for archaeological remains found here. As early as 1872 a Hallstadt (Iron Age) grave was excavated in the entrance chamber of the cave by Jindřich Wankel. The grave contained animal and material offerings, crops, textiles, ceramic and sheet-metal vessels, jewellery, glass and amber beads. Famous is the statuette of a bronze bull. This wealth is exhibited at the Vienna Natural History Museum. Jindřich Wankel is also called the father of Moravian archaeology.
Astonishing is the fact, that the remains of one man and 40 young women were found. As the grave was very well equipped, it was interpreted as the grave of a nobleman, with young women which were ritually killed to accompany him. This rather romantic interpretation, and several others were disproved at the end of the twentieth century. However, the fame and the importance of the location remains.
The cave contains a Neolithic picture, which is considered the oldest cave painting in the Czech Republic. It depicts a geometrical shape resembling a grill with a size of 30x40 cm, painted by coal on the cave wall. The carbon was dated with the C14 radio-carbon method to be 5,200 years old. The pattern resembles decorations on some ceramic vessels from that period.
During the 20th century the cave was used for military purposes. This seems to have ended with the recent Glasnost movement. The natural entrance is very low, but an artificial tunnel allows access to the entrance chamber. As the archaeological remains are removed, this room is rather unimpressive. Behind this room is a nice cave with speleothems, but access is possible only for speleologists. Beneath its scientific value, this cave is of no touristic interest and not open to the public. But it is possible to visit the cave entrance with its wide and low portal and a shallow side cave. The place is very nice for a picnic.
In [2007] we were informed that the cave is now open on special occasions. The dates are published on the official website of the cave, see the link below. In 2023, this were three weekends in June. This is unfortunately quite impractical for foreign visitors. We guess it is intended for locals only.