Bounce Below


Useful Information

Location: Blaenan Ffestiniog, Merioneth.
(53.005015, -3.939884)
Open: Online booking strongly recommended.
Fee: Bounce Below: Adults GBP 25, Children (0-17) GBP 20, Family (2+2) GBP 75, Spectator GBP 5.
Caverns: Adults GBP 68.
Mini Golf: Adults GBP 22.
Classification: MineSlate Mine
Light: LightIncandescent LightColoured Light
Dimension: T=7 °C.
Guided tours: Bounce Below: D=60 min.
Caverns: D=3-4 h.
Mini Golf: D=90 min.
Photography: not allowed, but pictures and videos are sold.
Accessibility: no
Address: Bounce Below, Zip World Slate Caverns, Blaenau Ffestiniog, LL41 3NB.
Adventure Booking Centre: Tel: +44-1248-601-444.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


2014 Bounce Below attraction opened in the mine caverns of Llechwedd Slate Caverns.
2015 Zip World Caverns wire course opened within the mine.
2019 world’s first ever underground games show, Y Siambr, filmed and on S4C.


Bounce Below or Zip World Slate Caverns or simply ZipWorld are the names for underground theme parks located at the MineLlechwedd Slate Caverns. Obviously, the show mine didn't work very well as a tourist attraction, probably because there are so many show mines in Wales. So the operators equipped the mine with a zip line on the surface first. This seems to have worked, so they added an underground climbing, zip-line and net jumping experience in some of the huge chambers of the mine. And since this first underground experience was opened, two more were created. One is located at the nearby Penrhyn Slate Quarry near Bethseda, and one in the forest in Conwy Valley. All belong to what is now called Zip World, but as we are specialized on underground tourist sites, we list only Bounce Below.

All the tours at this place are climbing experiences, which include zip lines, jumping into nets and climbing on wooden poles, ladders and rope bridges. As a result, some physical fitness is required, the minimum size is 1.20 m, maximum weight is 120 kg. Minors are allowed, but they pay the same price and must be accompanied by adults, at least one per seven children. Children under 7 are generally not allowed. Appropriate clothes are necessary too, good shoes, and clothes which are suitable for sports. Security equipment, helmets and lamps are provided.

The hours for the different "adventures" are rather complicated and the operators recommend booking. They offer online booking as well as booking by phone. Although they don't rule out the possibility of simply dropping by and buying a ticket, they strongly advise against it because they sell out quickly.