
Olav Mine

Useful Information

Location: Gruvveien 612, 7372 Glåmos.
13 km northeast of Røros on the Rørosvidda. From Røros east on RV31 7 km, turn off, follow signs to Olavsgruva for 6 km.
(62.630290, 11.562459)
Open: Olavsgruva: JUN to 19-JUN daily 15.
20-JUN to 15-AUG daily 9, 11, 13, 15.
16-AUG to 10-SEP daily 15.
11-SEP to MAY Thu, Sat 15.
Museum JUN to 10-SEP daily 8:30-15.
11-SEP to MAY Thu, Sat 8:30-15.
Smelthytta: JUN to 19-JUN daily 10-16.
20-JUN to 15-AUG daily 10-18.
16-AUG to 10-SEP daily 10-17.
11-SEP to 31-MAY daily 10-15.
Fee: Olavsgruva: Adults NOK 180, Children (0-15) free, Student NOK 160, Senior NOK 160.
Smelthytta: Adults NOK 130, Children (0-15) free, Student NOK 110, Senior NOK 110.
Classification: MineCopper Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: T=5 °C.
Guided tours: Olavsgruva: L=1000 m, VR=50 m, D=1 h.
Smelthytta: self guided, audioguide/smartphone Norsk - Norwegian English Deutsch - German Français - French
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Olavsgruva, Rørosmuseet, Lorentz Lossius gata 45, N-7374 Røros, Tel: +47-7240-6170, Fax: +47-7240-6180. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1646 mining privileges granted by the Danish-Norwegian Crown.
1650 Nyberget gruve opened.
1717 Nyberget gruve closed.
1861 Nyberget gruve reopened.
1890 Nyberget gruve finally closed.
1936 Olavsgruva opened.
1953 smetling at Smelthytta ended.
1972 mine closed.
1977 opened to the public.
1980 inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
1990 Smelthytta appointed Museum of the year.


Although this show mine is called Olavsgruva, there are two different mines toured. Nyberget gruve is the older one, and was operated in the 17th and 19th century. Olavsgruva is rather modern, and was mined during the first half of the 20th century. The displayed technology is actually as it were around 1972 when the mine closed. In this mine, mining technology based on compressed air is explained. The tour goes in 500 m and down 50 m to the Bergmannshallen. The mine has paths and electric light, but helmets and rubber boots are provided anyway.

At the mine is a museum, which shows different mining related exhibits. The Geology in the Røros district explains the geology of Norway, how the orebodies were formed, and there are ore samples and minerals. The Mining within the Circumference is dedicated to the different mines in the whole mining district. It demonstrates how the mines were operated at different periods and describes the working and living conditions of the miners.

There is another museum in the town Røros, the Smelthytta museum. It is located inside the former furnace, Smelthytta is the Norwegian word for furnace. The two main exhibitions are Gruvedrift i Cirkumferensen and Geologien i Rørostraktene, explaining the local geology with geologic maps and rock samples. This museum was appointed Europe’s Museum of the year in 1990.