Peştera Şugău

Súgó Barlang - Peştera Şoaptelor - Cave Sugau

Useful Information

Location: East of Voșlăbeni.
1.9 km north of Voșlăbeni and 3.4 km south of Valea Strâmbă on DN 12. Turn east on single lane road, 5.8 km to the end of the valley. Signposted.
(46.682112, 25.673547)
Open: JUN to SEP daily 10-17.
OCT to MAY Sat, Sun 10-18.
Tours every hours.
Fee: Adults RON 10, Children RON 8.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightCarbide Lamps
Dimension: L=1,021 m, T=9 °C, H=90 %, A=1060 m asl.
Guided tours: D=40 min, L=300 m (2x150 m).
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Peştera Şugău, Tel: +40-744-701-815, Tel: +40-741-131019. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1934 cave discovered.
1943 cave developed as a show cave and wooden entrance building erected.
1965 speleological exploration of the cave.
1974 CSA "Ursus speleus" from Baraolt manages the show cave.
2005 Gyilkosto Adventure founded.


Peştera Şugău is also known as Peştera Şoaptelor (Whisper Cave). It is located in the Giurge Mountains, on the southern slope of Mount Sipos (1568 m asl). There is a small limestone lens which is karstified by contact karst. The limestone deposit is 10 km long and 2 km wide and up to 200 m thick. The cave is over 1 km long on four levels. One level is developed as a show cave. The cave has stalagmites and stalactites, but as it was open to the public it was extremely vandalized, and an enormous amount of stalactites are broken.

According to local legends gold drips from the walls of the cave. Only the elect can find the gold, and it can only be collected once every seven years on the Friday before Pentecost. No one has been able to find the coveted gold so far, because it is not known when the seven years end. At the end of the 19th century, a woman and two men came for the gold. They appeared every seven years on Friday night before Pentecost and on the night of St. John. They tried to keep this a secret by shoeing their horses in reverse. But they were not able to collect the gold.

The cave, or better its entrance, was actually known for a long time. The locals called the cave Whisper Cave because murmur of the underground stream accompanied by the rustle of the air current circulating between the upper and lower floors can be heard as a whicsper at the entrance. The term for whispering in the Szekler toponymy is sugo, which was then used as a name and translated into the Romanian Peştera Şugău- In 1934 it was entered for the first time by explorers. It took almost 10 years until the cave was finally transformed into a show cave. At this time a wooden entrance building was erected, which offered shelter for the guides and visitors. But the hut burned down soon after. The first detailed speleological reseach was made in 1969 by Buslig Lajos, Garai Odon, and Romfeld Akos. Since 1974 CSA "Ursus speleus" from Baraolt manages the show cave. The made a full survey of the cave and renovated the trails. The cave has no light system, the visitors are provided LightCarbide Lamps.