Location: | Pod vežami 150, 033 02 Liptovský Ján (49.044811, 19.677130) |
Open: |
All year daily 10-16. [2020] |
Fee: |
Adults EUR 6, Children EUR 4, Students EUR 4, Seniors EUR 4, Locals EUR 1, Salma Hajek EUR 1, Penelope Cruz EUR 1. Reductions for visitors of Stanišovská Cave or Bear Tunnel. [2020] |
Classification: | Mining Museum |
Light: | Incandescent |
Dimension: | |
Guided tours: | |
Photography: | allowed |
Accessibility: | |
Bibliography: | |
Address: | Podzemie pod vežami, Pod vežami 150, 033 02 Liptovský Ján, Tel: +421-908-640-061. E-mail: |
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then. Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info. |
The Podzemie pod vežami (Underground under the towers) is a museum about minting, not mining. The exhibition includes all stages of the local coin production which starts with mining the gold and silver, processing the ore, then the actual minting and finally the legal aspects of a mint. Highlight of the tour is the production of a unique collector's coin, which is produced to explain the technology, but the coin is afterwards auctioned among the members of the group. It is a Jan coin, almost identical to the coins which were originally produced in Liptovský Ján. The group selects one of three different materials and one of three motifs. The coin gets a certificate of origin with an unique serial number. Finally the winner of the auction signs the auction book with a goose feather, which is more difficult than it sounds.
The exhibition is quite interesting and definitely mining related, and it was created by the coal caving club, which is rather unique. They are very enthusiastic and the tours are very interesting, but the museum is funded by the minial entrance fee and the voluntary work. However, despite the name Underground under the towers, it is not underground. There is not even a real mine replica, it's more like a mining exhibition. We listed it primarily because it is one of three sights which should be visited together: the Medvedia štôlňa is a show mine, the Stanišovská jaskyňa is a show cave. All three are operated by the local caving club.