Museu Vulcanoespeleológico "Machado Fagundes"

Volcanospeleologic Museum "Machado Fagundes

Useful Information

Location: Rua da Rocha, Angra do Heroismo, Isla Terceira.
Open: Summer Mon-Fri 9-12, 14-17:30.
Winter Mon-Fri 10-17.
Fee: free.
Classification: SubterraneaCave and Karst Museum
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours:
Address: Museu Vulcanoespeleológico "Machado Fagundes", Os Montanheiros - Sociedade de Exploração Espeleológica, Rua da Rocha 6-8, 9700-169 Angra do Heroismo, Tel: +351-295-212992, Fax: +351-295-216465. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



The Museu Vulcanoespeleológico "Machado Fagundes" (Volcanospeleologic Museum) is located in the headquarter of the mountaineering club Os Montanheiros. However, this club is interested in geology since the 1960s and also does a lot of exploration and development in the local speleological research.

The first items collected in the 1960s were stored at the club headquarter on shelves. It grew over the decades and when the club bought an old ruined house in the 1980s to build its first owned headquarter, one room was planned for the geologic items. The exhibition was now called a museum for the first time, named Machado Fagundes. Still the furniture was very simple, but the new space resulted in a boost of new exhibits collected by the members on their trips. In the 1990s the museum was extended and the whole equipment was redone.

The museum shows collected items from all over the Azores, volcanic rocks and fossils. There are huge posters explaining various aspects of the Azores, like the volcanic origin and the formation of the lava caves. This is completed by geographic exhibits, like photographs of the islands, a model of six of the nine islands, and an overview of the protected areas of the islands.